Friday, February 11, 2011

Twilight or What You Will

I gotta start writing in here more often, considering I have so many thoughts in my head...

I only had one class today...and we've started looking at the theme of vampires and why they've had such a huge impact on society from the Romantic Period until today. Which, of course, means reading Bram Stoker's Dracula...and watching one of the Twilight movies to compare the representations of vampires. Well, let's see - one is about the immigration of Eastern Europeans to England, the breaking free of the constraints of the conservative British society and the Romantic theme of travel and tasting the new and/or forbidden whilst the other takes from Mormon principles and yet seems to condone pedophilia, bestiality, teen pregnancy and that women have to be dependent on their men to survive or else life is not worth living. 

Gee, how can you pick Dracula over Twilight in that case?

Maybe it's just the fact that I'm a die-hard Harry Potter fan, but I'm not really feeling this whole, "Let's explore Twilight" movement. Maybe it's what I mentioned above, or the fact that Stephanie Meyers merely wrote bad fanfiction, complete with Mary-Sue, to look like a trashy Harlequin romance novel and underage girls and moms in their 40's adore it. "Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?" younger friends would ask me. Team STFU, I'd think to myself in annoyance, but I'd say, "Team Buffy/Remus/Harry," depending on my mood. Thank God for a friend of mine who owns an "And then Buffy staked Edward" t-shirt. Makes me glad to know her. 

I don't see the appeal in a 117-year-old vampire who looks 17 forever and even though he says that he won't be able to resist the urge to feed off you if you touch him and yet watches you while you sleep. Personally, that's my Nightmare Fuel right there. Creepy pale guy watching me while I sleep? It's one thing if it's your boyfriend/partner/husband and he's in bed with you, but Edward In Robert Pattinson's defence, he despises his role. So does Kristin Stewart. They've made it pretty clear that they are only sticking with Twilight for the money, which I can't fault them for. It made Stewart the highest-paid actress of her age. To their credit, they've done really well in other roles - e.g. Cedric Diggory for Pattinson in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Joan Jett for Stewart in The Runaways, alongside other Twilight co-star Dakota Fanning (also an awesome actress without being a vampire) as Cherie Currie. 

But I digress. Apart from Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I've never seen the appeal of vampires as objects of sexual desire. And I still knew that Spike aka William the Bloody, was a monster, in spite of his attractiveness without his "game face". Squirrels are cute too, but you wouldn't want one for a pet, would you? Same principle. Look-y, no touch-y. I know far too much about Twilight than I want to. Damn those girls much younger than me at dance class who adore the series...*sigh* 

Well, at any rate, it should be entertaining at least...according to a classmate, who has watched the movies, they're atrociously bad to the point that you have to laugh at the director and film studio. I saw a trailer for "Red Riding Hood" which is going to be directed by the same director and film studio, and I had to laugh. They did it up like the biggest, trashiest romance novel, to the point that I think they'll soon be in partnership with Harlequin, to turn all their romance novels into films. To be fair, it's a great cash cow - Harlequin is forever expanding and increasing in the number of books they produce. What better way for a studio to make money than to work with the biggest publishing house in the world? Hell, if I'm desperate, I may submit a trashy romance novel idea to Harlequin and get published there first.

Anyways, that's all from me tonight. Thanks for listening.

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